Day 20 - Planning Calendar

By now, you have a swipe file with multiple tweets, and have learned about various types of tweets.

We also discussed virality and the notion that like lightning, you can't capture it in a bottle. However, you can chase storms to see lightning. To improve your chances that you bottle lightning, you should tweet consistently.

You don't want to post all of your content in a single day. You want to be consistent. If you adopt a system, a calendar that can help with consistency.

Here is a sample weekly schedule:

  • Day 1
    • Question tweet. Engage audience.
    • Add 5 question tweets to swipe file.
  • Day 2
    • Educational tweet. Create a tweet teaching your subject.
    • Add 5 educational tweets to swipe file.
  • Day 3
    • Example tweet. Create a tweet showing an example of your educational tweet from the previous day.
    • Add 5 example tweets to swipe file.
  • Day 4
    • Challenge tweet.
    • Add 5 example tweets to swipe file.
  • Day 6
    • Network tweet
    • Add 5 example tweets to swipe file.
  • Day 7
    • Relax

Spend a few minutes planning out a weekly cadence that works for you for tweeting. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as above.

For an extra bonus you might want to announce to your followers that you are going to be tweeting at a weekly cadence.