Day 19 - Networking Tweets Part II
Yesterday, I mentioned two types of networking tweets. One to grow your followers (which we covered yesterday) and another to provide value to those that you follow.
The world makes you believe that everything is a competition. If someone else is successfully tweeting about your topic, they are winning and you are losing. My experience is that much of Twitter is repetition, and you can go further together than alone.
Foster relationships of mutual trust and respect with others in your topic group.
One way to do that is to share and suggest following others in your topic group.
Your tweet might say something like:
"I have been tweeting a lot about [YOUR TOPIC]. [EMOJI] You can also follow:
To learn more about [YOUR TOPIC]
Again, I have provided a structure for this tweet here. You can and should modify the structure to your liking.
The users you are promoting should be directly relevant to your audience. Ideally, you will suggest users that have a larger following than yours. You want to be able to reach out to their network. If they retweet or like your tweet, you have a better chance of getting "pre-qualified" followers.
In addition, you should try to practice a "pay it forward" mentality. Choose someone who has a smaller follower count than you. Acting as a mentor and supporter is a great way to gain favor with others in your topic group.
Your task today is:
- Find 3 or 4 people from your topic group
- Create a tweet suggesting that others follow them.
1 Lesson