Day 6 - Content

What should you tweet about? Your cat? A meme? Breakfast? Probably not.

Reflect back on your notes. On the first day, you wrote down the goal of your tweeting and the "theme" of your tweets.

Few people will find daily photos of your cat entertaining. Maybe your spouse. Your mother is probably the only person who cares about your breakfast. Tweeting about these will restrict your ability to grow your audience. If that sounds harsh, consider the five people you listed in the first day. What do they tweet about?

You need to be intentional with your tweets.

Brainstorm ten topics that you can tweet about in your notebook.

If you can't think of 10 topics related to the theme you decided in day one, you have two options. Niche down. Be more focused on the topics.

If your theme is Python, you shouldn't say, my topic is "Python the language". It should be something like:

  • History of Python
  • Why you should use Python
  • Uses for Python
  • Versions of Python
  • ...
If you still can't come up with ten topics, perhaps your theme is too narrow. If that is the case (and I highly doubt it is), you can expand it.

Tweet something like the following:

"I have worked with Python for over 20 years. What would you like to know about? #twitter4devs"