Day 9 - Images

As of 2022, the length of a tweet is 280 characters. However, that is not the whole story. You can use images and links to increase the content ratio of your tweet.

I tweet about code, and you cannot fit a lot of code in 280 characters. But, you can fit quite a bit of code in an image.

So I wrote a program that would take code and format it into an image. If you want to post code to your tweets, you don't have to go out and write a program to do it. There are many tools (such as Carbon) that will create a nicely formatted image of code, complete with a theme, font, and background.

You can also use a screenshot. When I'm teaching a course or have worked on some code that I think my audience will like, I grab a quick screenshot and post it to my feed.

Even if you don't post code, you can leverage images as long as they are relevant. If you are tweeting with intention, you should also be aware of what tweets you look at. Think of your last doom scroll. What are you paying attention to? Probably the avatars of the who is tweeting and images that appear in your timeline.

Brainstorm about what images you could use in your tweets and jot down your ideas in your notebook.

Tweet an introductory tweet with an image:

"Hi, I'm [FILL IN] I tweet about [FILL IN] #twitter4devs [INSERT IMAGE]"

Note - You might want to consider putting a watermark (it can be as simple as your handle in the corner). It is annoying when others copy your content without attribution.